Coastal Zone Management


The Coastal Zone is one of the most productive areas on Earth, attracting and concentrating human population. From the human perspective, they provide land for housing and infrastructure development; goods and services for developing human (economic) activities and ecosystem services providing tangible and intangible benefits for human development. Accordingly, one of the main characteristics of this area is its high susceptibility to change/damage due to the accumulation of human-induced pressures. In addition, natural hazards (including climate change) increase the forcing on the system and, the resulting impacts may become a major driver of changes in coastal land use. Hence, coastal management needs to consider these conditions to properly minimise the associated impacts, and to optimise the use of the coastal zone while protecting natural values.


Within this framework, LIM/UPC develop research on main issues related to the interaction of the dynamics of the coastal system and the use, conservation and management of the coastal zone. Thus, among others we work on:


Beach & Coastal Management.

 Coastal Vulnerability and Risk Assessment to Multiple Hazards.

Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation Measures in the Coastal Zone.

Influence and Impact of Human Pressures on the Coastal Zone.

Coastal Tourism & Beach Recreation.

Environmental Issues in the Coastal Zone



Contact: Prof Jose A Jiménez