PhD Programs


PhD Programme in Marine Sciences


This a joint PhD Programme of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech (UPC), the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). The main aim of the Ph.D. Programme in Marine Sciences is to educate high level specialists in the different fields forming marine sciences/oceanography. The Ph.D. students "produced" by this programme will therefore be able to occupy high level positions in universities, research institutes and advanced technological companies. The offered specialisation profiles will allow these students to face the ever increasing complexity of marine conflicts and problems.


The joint Ph.D. Programme in Marine Sciences, organised by two different universities and three different research centres from CSIC, is the only one within Spain which offers in a combined and synergetic manner the teaching and research capabilities of all the participating centres. These capabilities cover most of the scientific disciplines within marine sciences/oceanography and also range the technological and scientific approaches required by marine topics. These combinations of centres and researchers offers a comprehensive and pluridisciplinar education of Ph.D. students in marine sciences using the research infrastructure available in Catalonia.


The coordination of the Programme is done by UPC through LIM/UPC, being the coordinator Prof. Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla. 

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Link to the official PhD in Marine Sciences website


Ph D Programme in Civil Engineering


LIM/UPC professors also participate in the PhD Programme in Civil Engineering which is promoted by the Civil Engineering School of Barcelona (UPC). This is an inter-departmental programme integrating six large research fields: structural & construction engineering, geotechnical engineering, water engineering, transportation engineering and land-use planning, environmental engineering & sustainability and, computational engineering. LIM/UPC professors participate by directing research in the field of Maritime & Coastal Engineering in a broad sense (see description of LIM/UPC research fields).


Link to the official PhD in Civil Engineering website