The Maritime Engineering Laboratory of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech (LIM / UPC) is a Specific Research Center (CER) within the framework of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering of the Civil Engineering School at Barcelona. LIM/UPC is a non-profit public research center whose purpose is to generate and transfer knowledge and technology, innovate and train highly qualified professionals and researchers in the fields of Maritime Engineering and Marine Sciences.
LIM/UPC was founded in 1987 and it is formed by a group of high level researchers with a large experience in research and technology transfer. Their background comes from a number of disciplines related to its main aim (civil engineering, oceanography, physics, geology, mathematics). LIM/UPC has a solid research infrastructure (laboratory and field equipment) and has developed and uses a variety of software packages in its fields of action.
Its large wave flume CIEM has been selected as a "Large Scale Facility" by the European Union since 1997 and as a Singular Research Facility of Spain since 2006.
LIM/UPC is part of MARHIS, Maritime Aggregated Research Hydraulic Infrastructures,a distributed research infrastructure (ICTS) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in Spain.
