Acronym | Title - Objective | Funding |
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Copernicus Evolution and Applications with Sentinel Enhancements and Land Effluents for Shores and Seas. The general aim of CEASELESS is to achieve a high-grade analysis of coastal sea dynamics based on superior level of information provided by Sentinel combined with in-situ coastal observations and greater wealth of processes in metocean models that consider explicitly the land boundary condition. This will support an enhancement of the Copernicus coastal dimension that is timely and commensurate with the challenges faced by vulnerable coastal systems, contributing to create a weather-smart society and a variety of weather-based services. |
EU H2020 (2016-2019) Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla |
PaiRisClima |
The Coastal Risk Landscape in the Catalan littoral zone. The influence of Climate Change. The objective of the PaiRisClima project is identifying and assessing the effect of climate change on the coastal system through its influence on the different components of the coastal risk. The practical objective is to allow the coastal manager to assess its relative contribution to the different processes determining the risk and to identify the need to include it when making decisions. |
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2015-2017)
José A Jiménez |
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Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts - toolKIT. The main objective of the RISC-KIT project is to develop methods, tools and management approaches to reduce risk and increase resilience to low-frequency, high-impact hydro-meteorological events in the coastal zone. These products will enhance forecasting, prediction and early warning capabilities, improve the assessment of long-term coastal risk and optimise the mix of prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures. |
EU FP7 (2013-2017)
José A Jiménez |
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Responses to Coastal Climate Change: Innovative Strategies for High-End Scenarios –Adaptation and Mitigation. The general objective of RISES-AM- is assessing the cross-sectoral and economy-wide impacts and vulnerability of coastal systems at local, regional and global scales, across the full range of representative concentration pathways (RCPs) and shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs). |
EU FP7 (2013-2016)
Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla |
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Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern EUropean Seas. The overall scientific objectives of PERSEUS are to identify the interacting patterns of natural and human-derived pressures on the Mediterranean and Black Seas, assess their impact on marine ecosystems and, using the objectives and principles of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive as a vehicle, to design an effective and innovative research governance framework based on sound scientific knowledge. |
EU FP7 (2012-2015)
Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla |
PaiRisC-M | El Paisaje del Riesgo Costero en el Mediterráneo. Aplicación al Litoral Catalán. El objetivo general del proyecto es caracterizar las componentes principales que contribuyen al paisaje del riesgo costero típico del Mediterráneo español tanto de origen natural como antropogénico y evaluar su interacción. Este se desarrollará y aplicará en el ámbito del litoral catalán a dos escalas de análisis. En primer lugar su aplicación se hará a nivel regional para tener una visión de los riesgos costeros a la escala habitual de la planificación y gestión territorial. Adicionalmente, se realizará un downscaling en el que se obtendrá una visión más detallada a escala municipal para conocer en detalle las diferencias en las componentes del riesgo en función de las características locales (costa de uso turístico, costa con valores ambientales altos y costa urbana con infraestructuras). |
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (2012-2014)
José A Jiménez |
VuCoMA |
Coastal Vulnerability to multiple agents. Application to the Catalan coast. The general objective of the project was to develop a set of indicators to quantitatively assess the coastal vulnerability to main littoral processes in sedimentary coasts. This was done for individual processes and in an integrated manner (partial and total vulnerabilities). These indicators were developed, validated and applied in the Catalan coast. This also served to (i) identify mayor contributors to coastal vulnerability; (ii) to assess the potential affectation of existing coastal uses and resources and (iii) to recommend actions to manage/reduce coastal vulnerability along the Catalan coast. |
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2009-2011)
José A Jiménez |
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Concepts and Science for Coastal Erosion Management. The overall objective of the project was to define and validate through pilot applications a methodology to support the implementation of the concepts of coastal resilience, favourable sediment status, strategic sediment reservoirs and coastal sediment cells for the European coasts. The project will provide a series of guidelines and tools in support of this approach to ensure that it can be effectively assimilated into a sustainable management strategy for erosion. |
EU FP6 (2007-2010)
Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla |
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Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies. FLOODsite is an interdisciplinary project integrating expertise from across the phsyical, environmental and social sciences,a s well as spatial planning and management on Floods from rivers, estuaries and seas. |
EU FP6 (2004-2009)
Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla |
DEFCON | Delimitación funcional de los elementos de conservación como objetivo de la gestión integrada de zonas costeras: la estructura ecológica principal.
El objetivo principal del proyecto era formalizar los diferentes elementos necesarios que permitan que los espacios naturales mantengan su funcionalidad de tal forma que se garantice la conservación de su Capital Natural y, al mismo tiempo, sean compatibles con las actividades socioeconómicas dentro de un modelo de Desarrollo Regional Sostenible. |
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2006-2009)
José A Jiménez |
MeVaPlaya |
Desarrollo y Validación de un Método de Valoración del Recurso Playa como
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (2003-2006)
José A Jiménez |
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The CoastView Project. CoastView has two primary objectives: (i) To develop resource-related 'Coastal State Indicators' (CSIs) for describing the dynamic state of the coast, in support of coastal zone management; (ii) To develop and verify video-based monitoring methods and associated analysis techniques for estimating and interpreting these CSIs. |
EU FP5 (2002-2005)
José A Jiménez |